讲座题目:Optimal Health Insurance for Multiple Goods and Time Periods
主讲人: 姜神怡
Shenyi Jiang currentlyworks as an assistant professor at Renmin University of China. She got herPh.D. in Economics from Boston University. Her current work focus on HealthEconomics and applied microeconomics. She has published papers in EmergingMarkets Finance and Economics, Applied Economics, International Journal ofHealth Finance and Economics, and Annuals of Economics and Finance. One of herpaper just got accepted by Journal of Health Economics
Thispaper reexamines the efficiency-based arguments for second-best optimal healthinsurance while considering multiple treatment goods and multiple time periods.We show how correlated shocks across health care goods and time should affectoptimal insurance plans: complementarity and substitutability of multiple goodsand correlated demand shocks interact to affect the optimal cost sharing:substitutes and positively correlated demand shocks across health care goodsreduce optimal patient cost sharing. Correlation over time will decreasecoinsurance if positive or increase it if negative. Positively correlateduncompensated losses also reduce optimal cost sharing on covered healthservices. Our results provide a rationale for covering pharmaceuticalsand outpatient spending more fully than is implied by static, one health caregood or one period models.