讲座主题:Risk-taking and Income Inequality in (Dis)Integrated Markets
嘉宾简介:肖弋舟,香港中文大学商学院。研究领域为信息经济学和金融经济学。研究成果发表于Journal of Finance、Review of Financial Studies等优秀学术刊物。并为帕尔格雷夫经济学辞典撰写区块链经济学词条。
内容摘要:A pandemic or populism can dial back global integration as much as advancements in IT and transportation spur it. We study a general equilibrium model of occupational choice, risk-taking, and income inequality against backdrop of market (dis)integration with inelastic supplies of products and services. In a segmented environment, entrepreneurship and risk-taking are inefficiently low; in an integrated market, they can be socially excessive and entrepreneurship is non-monotone in the inelastic supply of service. As transportation and information technologies improve, occupational risk-taking and total production increase, with ambiguous welfare consequences. In a dynamic setting with inter-generational inheritance, wealth inequality is exacerbated by income inequality, but faces a long-term reversal when service supply is affected by total production.